CDE SchoolView Performance Framework: RFSD

The District Dashboard and School Dashboard by CDE will show all data available. You can click on the right to select each school

Framework Results

The Official Performance Indicator Ratings framework provides a view of enrollment, academic achievement, growth, gaps, and postsecondary readiness (as appropriate by school level).

Performance Snapshots

The Colorado Department of Education's Performance Snapshot tool provides quick access to district and school-level Unified Improvement Plans, School Performance Frameworks, and basic demographic information. Select Roaring Fork RE-1 under Select Value and the school of your choice.

School View District Profile

Explore the CDE Roaring Fork- RE 1 District Profile

How are we doing?

At the Roaring Fork Schools, we believe in transparency and continuous improvement. Each year, we share key insights from our district-wide surveys, including feedback from staff, families, and students. Along with these survey results, we provide performance snapshots to give a clear view of our progress and goals.

This yearly update is an essential part of our commitment to enhancing the educational experience for all. We value your input and remain focused on using it to drive positive change within our schools and community.

Panorama Surveys (Click on each title for results)

Panorama Student Survey:

The Panorama Student Survey is administered each fall to all students in Roaring Fork Schools. The results of the survey are used by teachers, school leaders, and district administrators to improve practices, programs, and initiatives.

Panorama Family Survey:

The Panorama Family Survey is administered each spring and aims to capture how families feel we are doing at meeting the school and district commitments. Parents and guardians are asked questions about communication, family engagement, learning opportunities, talent development, and learning environment for individual schools and the district at large.

Panorama Staff Survey:

Staff are asked to provide feedback on topics including, but not limited to, academic excellence, professional development, school culture, strategic leadership, and talent development.